Tag Archives: United States

Egypt: Everything goes wrong, but there’s hope

After two years of the Egyptian Revolution, there’s nothing has changed on the ground!

The military still has the same power, that keep them in “special situation” since 1952!

For example, no one can charge them for a lot of crimes they’ve done against the citizen & motherland!

On the other hand, the another partner in the ruling uses religion for putting people “under its control.”

The Muslim Brotherhood which runs by the murshid Mohammed Badie, who’s the real President of Egypt, not Mohamed Morsi, just works for its own agenda.

So it seems that country goes to be similar to Iran!

But most Egyptians refuse to accept it, they’re ready to die before seeing this happens.

morsy-time-out-posterAnd when a lot of people are dying easily or suffering deeply in their lives, Fighting the regime becomes more and more necessary.

So that there’re many of peaceful demonstrations in everywhere, demanding: “Bread, Freedom, Social Justice, Human Dignity!”

The state used to face this by using different kinds of violence, arresting anyone, and doing anything “not humanly” to stop the protests.

Best thing in Egypt now that the revolution makes most citizens to not be afraid of any authority, even it supports by US and its allies like Qatar.


Posted by on January 29, 2013 in Middle East


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Obama: “Just Promises!”

Every time I listen to Barack Obama like his second inaugural speech, I see him gives many promises to the American people.

After four years of his presidential you can see Mr. Obama used to promise more than doing what help the US!


For example, He promised to close Guantanamo, Do something in climate change, Stop killing innocent civilians by creating “real gun control,” Save a lot of jobs for many of unemployed…

And other things which make America better place for “All Americans,” as he always says in his speeches.

But it seems up till now that Obama’s promises “going nowhere!”


Posted by on January 22, 2013 in Politics


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